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3 Things to Leave in the Car When You Zipline

Ziplining in Colorado

It can be stressful booking your summer vacay or getaway, especially with summer coming to an end and seasons and weather beginning to change. Streamline your trip this fall with Colorado Zipline and have them take care of your vacation activities with horseback riding, autumn rafting and, of course, ziplining. Our extensive and ever expanding zipline courses offer about ten different features per course and include a high adrenaline 50ft _DSC0199freefall feature. When preparing for your zipline adventure you will want to make sure you have your sunglasses on, sunscreen lathered and hair tied back. Just as important as what to bring is what not to bring, so here are three things you want to leave in the car while ziplining.

When getting prepared for your zipline you will want to consider a few items as unnecessary for the trip. The most important item you will want to leave in your car is your personal electronics, this will include your phones and cameras. Most of our ziplines will require both hands so you will not want to pull your phone or camera to take video or pictures as you will need them for the brakes. You will also want to leave your flip-flops and Crocs in the car, as they do not provide a secure fit or adequate protection for your feet when arriving at the platform on the zipline. In addition to leaving the Rainbow Sandals and iPhone 5s in the car IMG_0250-1200you, will want to add your wallet and/or purse to the group. There will be areas of our zipline that will be extremely difficult to reach while on foot, so we ask for you to keep any valuables in your car to avoid having them fall out of pockets.

Our Idaho Springs zipline offers six zipline and four rope course features as our Granite zipline offers seven ziplines and fifty foot freefall. Once finished with your high adrenaline zipline tour, finish your Colorado adventure with some horseback riding, whitewater rafting, or fly fishing with Arkansas Valley Adventures.


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