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Zipline Safety – What to Expect

Zipline Safety

If you’re planning a mountaintop zipline trip, you might be worried about what it will be like.  Even if you don’t have a fear of heights, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that you’ll be suspended high in the air over cliffs and trees.  How will the guides prepare you?  How will you know when to brake?  Will you have any zipline safety equipment?

Zip line safety

At Colorado Zipline, we want your experience to be fun and SAFE, so we spend the first part of your trip going through an in-depth safety orientation.  By the time you get on the course, you’ll feel confident with what your equipment does, what your guide will be doing and what you’ll need to do to complete the zipline course.

Your equipment:

Each zipline guest will be given a harness, a helmet and a pair of gloves.  Your guides will help you put on your harness so that it fits snugly around your hips and adjust your helmet to fit your head.  You’ll also be able to choose from multiple glove sizes to find the ones that fit you best.  Once you are on the course, the harness will make sure that you stay safely attached to the cable or to the platform while you are between zips.  Your helmet is there to make sure you’re protected even if you bump your head.  Your gloves will protect your hands as you brake.

Safety Ziplining

Your ziplines:

Our ziplines are double lines, which means that you’ll actually be hooked up to two different cables.  The lower cable is the one that supports your weight and that you’ll actually zip.  The higher cable is back-up in case there is any kind of problem with the main cable.  Not that we expect there to be a problem – we test the cables regularly – but just in case there ever were, you can feel comfortable knowing that second cable is there to catch to you!

Your guides:

Before you ever get on the zipline course, your guides are going to explain exactly what to expect on the course, how to use your equipment and how to brake.  If you’re feeling apprehensive, they’ll be there for encouragement and pointers on how to overcome your fears.  Once you are on the course, they’ll clip you onto each cable and provide additional braking as you get to the end of each line.  You’ll always have one guide at the start of the cable and one guide at the end of the cable, so you’ll have plenty of personal attention! They’ll also be ready to entertain you with local history, tidbits about the surrounding views and plenty of laughs.

At Colorado Zipline, we consider your safety on the zipline course our highest priority, and we make sure that we prepare you both before you get on the course and before each individual zip so you can relax and enjoy the thrill of mountaintop ziplining!


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